Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 9

One in eight. That's the number of spouses who met online, at least according to one statistic that I read. I wonder how many of those met through Friendster? I know of at least--a story I read about online. At the rate I'm going, however, that will not be me. Not that I'm expecting love from Friendster. I'm expecting maybe some friends. Maybe?

Looking over the people I know who met their significant others online, I find that in truth quite a few of them have. One former coworker. One grad student friend. Several people from church (people of my faith are few and far between, so online is probably more likely than for the general population, though even among those of my faith I seem to be popular mostly for my messages, if/when I'm popular at all, not for anything beyond that--admittedly I guess there have been a few women who might have taken me had I not gone shy). But certainly, among some of these online romantics, there's a certain hesitancy to admit that one met online. This was the case with this grad student friend, who had created some kind of elaborate story as cover. He admitted the truth to me, though. How many people know the truth? Probably quite a few if he has admitted it to anyone beyond me. As for me, no one who doesn't already know me generally responds to messages, so I really don't know how these online romances even start.

In keeping with that are the totals for today--zero responses, though I did at least get one more profile view--this from a person I know (though haven't seen in probably four years), who didn't even bother writing back! Sigh. Today, I wrote on Friendster friend, invited a new person to Friendster, and wrote one friend of a friend who sounded totally cool (but whose picture is a stick figure, so I really don't know how this person is). This brings the totals to as follows: eleven Friendster friends written, one reply (I'm going to run out of Friendster friends to write soon); six acquaintances written or added as friends, one reply; four invitations extended, no replies; nine strangers written, no replies. Sigh. I'm getting tired here folks. Help me out.

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